Work From Home Request Email with Sample

Did you know? Around 82% of employees in India prefer working from home. Are you one of them? If yes, we can help you! Many companies in India, especially tech firms, have switched to working from the office or using a hybrid model. However, most of these companies still offer work-from-home to employees under certain circumstances. If you can’t make it to the office for some reason, you can always request to work from home. But remember, you can’t just ask casually. You need to draft a professional email that’s compelling enough for your boss to accept your request. That’s what we’re here to help you with. We’ll guide you on how to write an effective work from home request email and share various samples with you.

So, let’s begin!

How to Write an Application for Work From Home?

Wondering how to write a work from home email to the manager? Follow these simple steps:

  1. Start with a Clear Subject Line

Your subject line should be straightforward and to the point. This helps your manager understand the purpose of your email immediately.

Example: “Request to Work from Home on [Date]”

  1. Open with a Polite Greeting

Begin your email with a respectful greeting.

Example: “Dear [Manager’s Name],”

  1. State Your Request Early

Clearly state that you are requesting to work from home. Mention the specific date or duration if applicable.

Example: “I am writing to request permission to work from home on [date] due to [reason].”

  1. Explain the Reason

Provide a brief explanation of why you need to work from home. Make sure you give a valid reason for work from home. Be honest and concise.

Example: “I have a medical appointment that will take up most of the morning, and working from home would allow me to continue my tasks without interruption.”

  1. Highlight Your Productivity

Assure your manager that working from home will not affect your productivity. Mention how you plan to manage your work and stay in touch.

Example: “I will be reachable via email and phone throughout the day and will ensure all my tasks are completed on time. I have the necessary tools and a quiet workspace to maintain my productivity.”

  1. Offer Solutions for Any Challenges

If there are potential challenges with you working from home, suggest solutions. This shows you are proactive and considerate.

Example: “If any urgent issues arise, I can be available for video calls or handle them remotely.”

  1. Close Politely

End your email with a polite closing and thank your manager for considering your request.

Example: “Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your understanding and support. Looking forward to your response.”

  1. Include a Professional Sign-Off

Finish with a professional sign-off.

Example: “Best regards, [Your Name]”

Tips to Write a Leave Application for Work From Home

Here are some tips you can follow to make the email more compelling:

  • Be Concise

Keep your email brief and to the point. Avoid adding unnecessary details or going off-topic. This helps your manager quickly understand your request without having to read a long email.

  • Use a Professional Tone

Write in a formal and respectful manner. Avoid using slang or casual language. This shows that you are serious about your request and respect your manager.

  • Provide Specific Dates

Clearly mention the exact dates you are requesting to work from home. This avoids any confusion about when you plan to be away from the office.

  • Mention Previous Success

Highlight any past instances where you worked from home successfully. This builds trust in your ability to manage remote work and shows that you can be productive outside the office.

  • Show Flexibility

Offer to adjust your hours if needed or be available for important meetings. This shows your willingness to make your work-from-home request as smooth as possible for the team.

  • Anticipate Concerns

Think about any worries your manager might have about you working from home and address them in your email. Offering solutions can make your request more appealing and show that you have thought ahead.

  • Be Honest

Provide genuine reasons for your request. If you have a personal or medical reason, be clear about it. Honesty builds trust and helps your manager understand your situation better.

  • Attach Relevant Documents

If applicable, attach any documents that support your request, like a doctor’s note or appointment confirmation. This adds credibility to your request and shows that you are not making it up.

  • Follow Company Policy

Ensure your request aligns with your company’s work-from-home policies. Check the employee handbook or ask HR if you’re unsure. This increases the likelihood of your request being approved.

  • Express Gratitude

Thank your manager for considering your request. Showing appreciation is polite and respectful, and it helps maintain a good relationship with your manager.

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Work From Home Request Email Subject Lines

Choosing the right subject line is important to make sure your email gets noticed and taken seriously. Here are some examples of clear and professional subject lines you can use for WFH emails:

  • Request to Work from Home on [Date]
  • Work from Home Request for [Specific Reason]
  • Permission to Work Remotely on [Date]
  • Work from Home Request Due to [Reason]
  • Request for Temporary Remote Work
  • Seeking Approval for Work from Home
  • Work from Home Request for [Duration]
  • Request to Work from Home: [Date(s)]
  • Request to Telecommute on [Date]
  • Remote Work Request for [Date/Reason]

Work From Home Request Email Format

Here is a structured format for writing a professional WFH request email:

Subject: Request to Work from Home on [Date]

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request permission to work from home on [specific date] due to [reason].


I have [briefly explain the reason for your request, e.g., a medical appointment, a personal commitment, etc.].

Work Plan: 

I assure you that I will remain fully productive and accessible throughout the day. I will have access to all the necessary tools and resources to complete my tasks efficiently. Additionally, I will be reachable via [email/phone/video call] for any urgent matters.

Addressing Concerns: 

To make sure there are no disruptions, I have planned [mention any steps you’ve taken to manage your work, e.g., adjusting my schedule, setting up a remote workstation, etc.]. If any immediate issues arise, I am prepared to handle them promptly.

Previous Success: 

I have successfully worked from home in the past, specifically on [mention any previous instances if applicable], and maintained my productivity levels.


Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your understanding and support. I look forward to your positive response.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Contact Information]

This is what a seeking approval from boss email sample should look like. Make sure you follow the correct format.

Also Read - Hybrid Work Model in the IT Industry: Benefits of This New Working Model

Work From Home Request Email Samples

Now that you know the steps and tips, here are some permission work from home request email samples you can use for inspiration:

Sample 1 : Simple Work From Home Request Email

Here’s a simple sample of work from home request mail to the manager:

Subject: Request for Work from Home on [Date]

Dear Mr. Sharma,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request permission to work from home on [specific date]. Given the current situation, I believe working from home will allow me to maintain productivity while ensuring my safety and well-being.

I will be accessible via email and phone throughout the day and will ensure all pending tasks are completed on time. I have the necessary tools and resources to carry out my responsibilities seamlessly from home.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Best regards,

Rahul Gupta

Software Engineer

ABC Tech Solutions

Mobile: +91 XXXXXXXXXX

Sample 2 : Work From Home Request Mail for One Day

Here’s how you should write a one day WFH request mail to manager:

Subject: Request for One-Day Work from Home – [Date]

Dear Ms. Reddy,

I hope this message finds you in good health. I am writing to request approval for working from home on [specific date]. This request is due to a family commitment that requires my presence during the day.

During this time, I assure you of my availability via email and phone. I have already planned my tasks to ensure no disruption in our ongoing project deliverables. I will be fully committed to maintaining productivity and meeting deadlines.

Thank you for considering my request. Please let me know if you need any further information.

Warm regards,

Priya Sharma

UI Designer

XYZ Innovations

Mobile: +91 XXXXXXXXXX

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Sample 3 : Work From Home Request Mail Due to Health Issues

If you want to request for work from home due to illness, follow this sample:

Subject: Request for Work from Home Due to Health Issue

Dear Mr. Kumar,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request permission to work from home starting [date] due to a health issue that requires me to rest and recover at home.

I assure you that I will remain available during work hours via email and phone. I have set up a conducive workspace at home to ensure minimal disruption to my work. I am committed to completing my tasks on time and will ensure all deadlines are met.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this time. I look forward to your favourable consideration of my request.

Warm regards,

Amit Patel

Data Analyst

TechSoft Solutions

Mobile: +91 XXXXXXXXXX

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Sample 4 : Work From Home Request Mail Due to Personal Reasons

Here’s an example of work from home mail due to personal reasons:

Subject: Request for Work from Home Due to Personal Commitment

Dear Ms. Verma,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request permission to work from home on [specific date] due to a personal commitment that requires my presence during the day.

During this period, I will be reachable via email and phone and will ensure all assigned tasks are completed on time. I have made arrangements to manage my workload effectively and ensure there is no impact on our team’s deliverables.

Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your understanding.

Best regards,

Neha Sharma

Software Developer

InnoTech Solutions

Mobile: +91 XXXXXXXXXX

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Sample 5 : Work From Home Request Mail Due to Marriage

If you need work from home due to marriage, follow this sample:

Subject: Request for Work from Home Due to Family Emergency

Dear Ms. Rao,

I trust you are well. I am writing to request permission to work from home for the next few days due to a sudden family emergency that requires my immediate attention and presence.

I will remain available during normal working hours and reachable via email and phone. I assure you that I will manage my responsibilities effectively and ensure minimal disruption to our ongoing projects.

Thank you for considering my request during this challenging time. Your understanding and support are greatly appreciated.

Warm regards,

Rakesh Singh

Project Manager

TechGenius Innovations

Mobile: +91 XXXXXXXXXX

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Sample 6 : Work From Home Request Mail Due to Childcare

Follow this sample of work from home mail to HR if you need remote work due to childcare:

Subject: Request for Work from Home Due to Childcare Arrangements

Dear Ms. Gupta,

I hope you are doing well. I am writing to request permission to work from home starting [date] due to unexpected childcare responsibilities that require my immediate attention at home.

Given the circumstances, I will be able to maintain my regular work hours and remain accessible via email and phone throughout the day. I have set up a dedicated workspace at home to ensure I can continue my work effectively without any disruptions.

I am committed to completing all assigned tasks on time and ensuring minimal impact on our team’s deliverables. Your understanding and support in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for considering my request.

Best regards,

Priya Kapoor

Marketing Manager

TechGenie Solutions

Mobile: +91 XXXXXXXXXX

Sample 7 : Request to Work From Home Regularly

Subject: Request for Regular Work from Home Arrangement

Dear Ms. Singh,

I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request permission to transition to a regular work from home arrangement. I believe this change will enhance my productivity and work-life balance, leading to better overall performance.

I propose to work from home [number of days] per week, with [specific days] being my remote work days. I am committed to maintaining open communication and will ensure all tasks and deadlines are met as per our team’s requirements. I have already set up a dedicated workspace at home to facilitate uninterrupted work.

I appreciate your consideration of this request and look forward to discussing it further.

Best regards,

Amit Chaudhary

Content Manager

TechVibe Solutions

Mobile: +91 XXXXXXXXXX

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Sample 8 : Request to Work From Home Part-Time

Subject: Request for Part-Time Work from Home Arrangement

Dear Mr. Reddy,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request a part-time work from home arrangement starting [date]. This request is driven by my desire to manage personal commitments more effectively while maintaining my role’s responsibilities.

For my remote work proposal, I suggest working remotely [number of days/hours] per week, focusing on tasks that can be effectively handled from a remote location. I assure you of my commitment to productivity and will remain accessible during office hours via email and phone.

Your support in considering this request is greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you require any further information or discussion on this matter.

Warm regards,

Sneha Desai

HR Consultant

TechGuru Innovations

Mobile: +91 XXXXXXXXXX

Sample 9 : Request to Work From Home Due to Breastfeeding

Subject: Request to Work from Home Due to Breastfeeding

Dear Ms. Sharma,

Dear Ms. Sharma,

I hope you’re doing well. I’m reaching out to request the possibility of working from home starting [start date] for the next [number of weeks/months]. This will greatly support my breastfeeding needs and help me balance my new responsibilities with my work.

I’ve set up a comfortable and efficient workspace at home, ensuring that all my tasks will be handled on time. I will be fully reachable during office hours via email and phone.

Thank you so much for understanding and supporting me during this special time.

Best regards,

Anita Rao

Marketing Specialist

BrightTech Solutions

Mobile: +91 XXXXXXXXXX

Sample 10 : Work From Home Due to Heavy Rain Mail

Wondering how to write a work from home due to heavy rain mail? You can use this sample.

Subject: Request Letter for Work from Home Due to Heavy Rain

Dear Mr. Patel,

I hope this email finds you well. Due to the heavy rain and flooding in my area, I am requesting permission to work from home today, [date]. The severe weather conditions have caused significant travel disruptions.

I have set up a fully functional workspace at home and will guarantee all my work is completed efficiently. I will remain reachable during regular office hours via email and phone.

Thank you for understanding. I look forward to your approval.

Best regards,

Ravi Kumar

Software Developer

Innovatech Solutions

Mobile: +91 XXXXXXXXXX

Sample 11 : Work From Home Request Mail Due to Father Illness

Here’s a sample of work from home request mail due to father illness

Subject: Request for Work from Home Due to Father’s Illness

Dear Ms. Verma,

I trust you are doing well. I am writing to request permission to work from home starting [start date] due to my father’s illness. I need to be present to provide him with the necessary care while fulfilling my work duties.

I’ve arranged a functional workspace at home and will make sure that all my responsibilities are met on time. I will remain available during standard office hours via email and phone.

Thank you very much for your support and understanding during this challenging period.

Kind regards,

Suresh Mehta

Data Analyst

TechWave Solutions

Mobile: +91 XXXXXXXXXX

This is how you need to write a work from home mail due to father illness. You are free to use edit and use this sample.

Also Read - Sick Leave Email in Office: Templates, Samples & Examples

Sample 12 : Request to Work From Home to Care for a Loved One

Subject: Request to Work from Home to Care for a Loved One

Dear Mr. Singh,

I hope you’re having a good day. I need to request the ability to work from home starting [start date] to attend to a loved one who is currently ill. This flexibility will allow me to provide necessary care while keeping up with my professional responsibilities.

My home office is fully set up to ensure I can work efficiently. I will be reachable during office hours via email and phone, and I’m committed to meeting all deadlines.

Thank you for your consideration and support during this time. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

Riya Patel

Project Manager

BrightTech Innovations

Mobile: +91 XXXXXXXXXX

Work From Home Request Email Due to Pregnancy

Work from home due to pregnancy allows a pregnant employee to continue working from home instead of the office. This option is often recommended by doctors to reduce stress and avoid potential health risks. 

If you are pregnant can’t travel to the office, you can always write a work from home request email due to pregnancy. This way, you can easily manage work responsibilities in a comfortable environment. But make sure you follow the right format when writing an email requesting work from home request due to pregnancy

Sample Request to Work From Home Due to Pregnancy

Here’s a sample of work from home request mail due to pregnancy

Subject: Application for Work from Home Due to Pregnancy

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope you are doing well. I am writing to request approval to work from home from [start date] to [end date] due to my pregnancy. My doctor has advised me to avoid traveling and work from home instead, as it would be safer for my health during this time. I have attached the letter from my doctor for your reference.

I have set up a comfortable workspace at home and am fully prepared to manage all my duties without any interruptions. I will remain available during normal working hours and guarantee that all my tasks are completed efficiently.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

If you want to write a request letter for work from home due to pregnancy, use this example.

Work From Home Request Mail After Maternity Leave

Work from home after maternity leave allows new mothers to continue their jobs while caring for their newborns. After maternity leave – you may request to work from home to balance your responsibilities as a parent and a professional. 

Work From Home Request Mail After Maternity Leave – Sample

If you want to write an email for work from home request after maternity leave, use this example.

Subject: Request for Work from Home After Maternity Leave

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. As I return from maternity leave on [start date], I am writing to request the option to work from home for [number of days] per week. This arrangement will help me balance my responsibilities at home and at work as I transition back.

I have organized a functional workspace at home and am prepared to manage all my responsibilities efficiently. I will be accessible throughout standard office hours and will ensure that all projects and deadlines are handled as expected.

Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your support during this transition.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Also Read - Maternity Leave Application Letter for Office with Format & Samples (2024)

Wrapping Up

And that’s how you write a compelling work from home request email. Follow the steps and tips we have highlighted in this article to make sure your email is professional and persuasive. You can also use the samples and examples from this article to get started with your email. 

Are you looking to start or upgrade your career with work from home jobs in the IT field? If yes, visit Hirist. It is an online job portal where you can easily find the best IT jobs in India. Simply install the app on your smartphone and find your dream job on the go!


  1. How do you write a work from home request mail due to family reasons?

Start by explaining why you need to work from home and then offer solutions or ideas on how you’ll manage your work effectively while working remotely.

  1. What is a good reason to work from home?

A good reason to work from home could be – 

  • A family emergency
  • Needing to take care of children or elderly family members
  • Or if you’re not feeling well but still able to work
  1. How to end an email to manager for work from home request?

End your email politely by thanking your manager for considering your request. Mention that you’re available to discuss further if needed.

  1. Which IT companies in India offer work from home?

Many IT companies in India offer work-from-home options. Some well-known examples include – Tech Mahindra, Accenture India, Infosys, Capgemini India, TCS, Wipro, and others.

  1. “I will be working from home tomorrow email” – what subject line to use?

Here is a subject line you can use – “Tomorrow – Working from Home – [Your Name]”

  1. Can an employer deny a doctor’s note to work from home?

Yes, an employer can deny it if it doesn’t meet company policies or legal requirements for remote work.

  1. How to ask to work from home permanently?

Request a meeting to discuss your proposal, highlight benefits, and suggest a trial period for permanent remote work.

  1. How to ask manager to work from home?

Send a clear email explaining your reason, proposing a plan, and assuring your ability to stay productive and accessible.

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