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Top 25 Exception Handling Questions In Java Interview

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Are you gearing up for a Java interview and feeling a bit jittery about those tricky exception handling questions? Don’t worry; you’re not alone! Exception handling in Java interview questions can be tricky, even for experienced developers. But fear not because we’ve got your back. In this article, we’re going to discuss the top 25 exception handling interview questions that frequently pop up in Java interviews. We’ll break down the exception handling Java interview questions and equip you with the knowledge you need to impress your potential employers.

About Exception Handling In Java 

Exception handling in java

Exception handling in Java is a critical aspect of writing robust and reliable code. It’s like having a safety net that prevents your program from crashing when unexpected problems arise. 

Instead of your program abruptly shutting down when an error occurs, Java allows you to catch these errors, understand what went wrong, and decide how to respond. 

This enables you to gracefully recover from errors or provide meaningful error messages to users, enhancing the overall user experience. 

Top 25 Exception Handling Questions In Java Interview

Here are the top 25 exception handling questions in a Java interview. We’ve categorized these questions according to different skill levels: beginners, intermediates, and experienced Java developers.

Exception Handling Questions In Java for Freshers 

Here are some common Java exception interview questions for freshers:

  1. What is an exception in Java?

An exception is a disruptive event that interrupts a program’s normal flow. When an exception occurs, it generates an exception object, which holds crucial details about the error, including its type and the program’s state at the time of the error. 

  1. Write the types of exceptions in Java

Java exceptions are broadly categorized into two types based on how the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) handles them:

  • Checked Exceptions: These arise during compilation when the compiler verifies if the exception is handled correctly, and it raises an error if not.
  • Unchecked Exceptions: These occur during program execution and are not evident during compilation.
  1. How can you handle exceptions in Java?

Exception handling involves three essential components:

  • Try Block: This block encapsulates the statements or code that might potentially trigger an exception, requiring monitoring.
  • Catch Block: The catch block is responsible for capturing and handling exceptions that were detected within the try block.
  • Finally Block: Irrespective of whether exceptions were caught or not in the try or catch blocks, the finally block is always executed, ensuring critical cleanup or resource release operations.
  1. Discuss the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions.
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Checked exceptions are identified during compilation, ensuring proper handling. Unchecked exceptions surface at runtime and don’t require explicit handling. Checked exceptions enhance code reliability, while unchecked exceptions are ideal for non-recoverable errors.

  1. What are the exception handling keywords in Java?

There are five essential Exception Handling keywords in Java:

  • Try
  • Catch
  • Finally
  • Throw
  • Throws
  1. What are built-in exceptions?

Built-in Exceptions in Java refer to pre-defined exception classes available in Java libraries, aiding in handling specific error scenarios. Examples include ArithmeticException and ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.

  1. What is the difference between exception and error in Java?

Errors commonly arise during application runtime. For example, the Out of Memory Error occurs when the JVM exhausts memory. In contrast, exceptions are mostly triggered by the application itself, like the Null Pointer Exception when attempting to access a null object.

  1. Can checked exceptions be thrown from the static block?

No, checked exceptions cannot be thrown from a static block in Java. They must be handled or declared by the method containing the static block.

Exception Handling Questions In Java for Intermediate

Here are some common exception interview questions in Java for the intermediate level:

  1. What do you mean by ClassCastException?

ClassCastException is a runtime exception that occurs when an attempt is made to cast an object to a type that is not compatible with its actual type, often in the context of inheritance and polymorphism.

  1. Write the difference between final, finally, and finalize in Java.
  • Final: It’s a keyword used to make a variable, method, or class constant and unchangeable.
  • Finally: It’s a block used in try-catch to ensure a set of statements execute regardless of whether an exception is thrown or not.
  • Finalize: It’s a method in the Object class that can be overridden to perform cleanup operations before an object is garbage collected.
  1. Can you have an empty catch block?

Yes, you can have an empty catch block, but it’s generally discouraged as it silently suppresses exceptions and makes debugging difficult.

  1. Write the difference between throw, throws, and throwable in Java.
  • Throw: It’s used to explicitly throw an exception within a method.
  • Throws: It’s used in a method signature to declare that the method may throw certain exceptions.
  • Throwable: It’s the root class for all exceptions and errors in Java.
  1. What does JVM do when an exception occurs in a program?
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An exception object is generated and thrown to signify an error occurrence. If this exception isn’t properly handled, the JVM displays an error message and terminates the program.

  1. What is Exception Propagation?

Exception propagation, within Java’s Exception handling, involves passing Exceptions from one method to the calling method to handle them effectively.

  1. What are the different scenarios causing “Exception in thread main”?

Various scenarios can trigger an “Exception in thread ‘main'” error message in a Java program:

  • Unchecked Exceptions: Unhandled unchecked exceptions (like NullPointerException or ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException) in the main method can cause this error.
  • Missing Main Method: If the public static void main(String[] args) method is missing or improperly defined in the main class, it can lead to this exception.
  • Compilation Errors: Compilation errors in the code can prevent the program from running correctly, resulting in this exception.
  • Class Not Found: If the main class specified in the command line is not found, it can lead to this error.
  1. Explain the Java 7 ARM Feature and multi-catch block?

The ARM feature simplifies resource management, such as file streams or sockets, by ensuring that resources are automatically closed when they are no longer needed.

The multi-catch block allows you to catch multiple exceptions in a single catch block, improving code readability and reducing redundancy.

Exception Handling Questions In Java for Experienced

Here are some common exception handling Java interview questions for experienced:

  1. Can you rethrow an exception in a catch block? If so, how?

This is often done to let a higher-level code or a different part of the program handle the exception. To rethrow an exception, you use the throw keyword followed by the caught exception object. Here’s an example:

try {

    // Code that may throw an exception

} catch (SomeException e) {

    // Additional handling or logging

    // Rethrow the exception

    throw e;


  1. Explain what the NullPointerException is and how to handle it.

A NullPointerException occurs when you try to use or manipulate an object that doesn’t exist (i.e., is null). To handle it, ensure objects are properly initialized, use conditional checks to verify references, and log for debugging.

  1. Can we throw multiple exceptions in one throw statement?

No, it’s not possible to throw multiple exceptions in a single-throw statement. Each throw statement can only handle and throw one exception object at a time.

  1. What is a chained exception in Java?
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In Java, when you throw an exception in conjunction with another exception, it’s referred to as creating a chained exception.

  1. Define NumberFormatException exception in Java.

NumberFormatException is an exception class in Java that is part of Java.lang package. It is typically thrown when you attempt to convert a string into a numeric type (like int or double) using methods such as parseInt() or parseDouble(), but the string does not represent a valid numeric value. 

  1. Mention a few of the best practices in Java exception handling.
  • Employ a finally block for resource cleanup or closure.
  • Prefer throwing specific exceptions over general ones.
  • Catch specific exception subclasses, not the Exception class.
  • Avoid throwing exceptions from within a finally block.
  • Provide clear and descriptive error messages when throwing exceptions.
  1. What are the methods provided by the Throwable class in Java?

Here are the methods offered by the Throwable class:

  • getMessage()
  • toString()
  • printStackTrace()
  • fillInStackTrace()
  • getStackTrace()
  • getCause()
  1. It is always recommended to close the DB resources to keep them inside a finally block. Why?

Closing DB resources in a finally block is crucial because it ensures resource cleanup, even in the presence of exceptions, preventing resource leaks and maintaining system stability.

  1. Explain stack trace in Java. Why is it important in exception handling?

A stack trace in Java is a detailed report showing the sequence of method calls leading to an exception. It’s vital in exception handling because it helps pinpoint errors, diagnose issues, and identify the code responsible for exceptions, facilitating effective debugging and problem resolution.

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Tips to Answer Exception Handling In Java Interview Questions

Follow these tips to answer about exception handling in Java interview questions:

· Pay close attention to the exception handling interview questions. If you’re not sure, just ask for clarification.

· Don’t guess about exceptions in Java interview questions; answer confidently based on what you know.

· Listen carefully to any hints the interviewer gives you; they can be helpful.

· If asked to explain a process, be thorough and don’t leave out any steps.

Knowing these Java exception handling questions well will help you in your interview prep.


So, here are the top 25 exception handling in Java interview questions. Mastering exception handling in Java is crucial for any Java developer. These top 25 questions cover a wide range of scenarios and concepts, helping you become well-prepared for your Java interview.

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