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Top 25 Android Interview Questions and Answers

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Did you know the average Android developer in the US makes over $100,000 a year? Yes, Android skills are in massive demand globally. But you need to ace that interview first to land your dream Android job! This guide will help you do just that with the top 25 Android interview questions and detailed answers. It covers everything from basic Android fundamentals to advanced concepts like testing, architecture patterns and performance tuning. Let’s dive in!

Android Interview Questions for Freshers

If you’re just starting with Android, expect basic Android interview questions like:

  1. What are Activities in Android and their purpose?

Activities are core UI components that have a screen interface allowing users to interact with the app. Each activity represents a single screen or app interface. Activities are used to build the user interface screens, display content on the screen like images/text/videos, and handle user interactions with UI elements like clicks/swipes. They make up the structure of user flow in apps.

  1. What are Intents in Android and types of intent?

Intents are asynchronous messages that activate components in Android like activities and services. The two types are – explicit intents, which specify the exact target component to trigger using a class name and implicit intents, which specify a generic action string allowing Android to resolve to appropriate components at runtime based on registered intent filters.

  1.   List the languages used to build Android.

Building Android applications involves using various programming languages. Here are some popular ones:


  • Widely adopted by Android developers.
  • Often chosen by newcomers in the development scene.
  • Supported by popular Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) such as Eclipse, NetBeans, and IntelliJ.


  • A modern, secure, and object-oriented language.
  • Gaining popularity for Android app development.
  • Supported by IDEs like Android Studio and Eclipse.


  • Enables the development of native iOS and Android apps.
  • Utilizes tools like Visual Studio for Android application creation.


  • Known for its dynamic and object-oriented nature.
  • Widely used in machine learning.
  • Supported by code editors like Pydroid 3, Dcoder, and spck code editor.
  • Other languages compatible with Android development include:


  • Supported by IDEs like C4droid, CppDroid, and AIDE.


  • Used for web-based Android applications.
  • Supported by IDEs like Acode and spck code editor.

Choosing the right language depends on the developer’s preferences and project requirements. Each language offers unique advantages for creating diverse Android applications.

  1. What are resources in Android? Name some commonly used resources.

Resources are assets and media files used in Android apps. Commonly used resources include images, strings, colors, styles, array and dimensions resources.

  1. What are Views and Layouts in Android? How are they related?

Views are UI building blocks that render onto the screen like buttons, fields or graphs. Layouts are containers that organize views and other UI components to build the app’s user interface.

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Android Interview Questions for Experienced

Senior Android candidates should prepare for architect-level Android interview questions like:

  1.  What is an Adapter in Android?

In Android, an adapter serves as a crucial link connecting an AdapterView with the data it displays. Essentially, it acts as a mediator, managing the data and facilitating its transfer to the AdapterView. The AdapterView, in turn, extracts this data and presents it through various views such as spinners, list views, grid views, and more. In a nutshell, an adapter plays the pivotal role of enabling the seamless interaction between the underlying data and the user interface elements, ensuring a smooth and dynamic display of information in Android applications.

  1. What is the Android architecture? Describe its components.

The Android architecture has a layered modular approach spanning across – Linux kernel at the lowest level, above that are native libraries and Android runtime along with core Java APIs, then the Application Framework layer with building blocks like Activity Manager, Window Manager, Package Manager etc. Finally, at the top layer are applications written leveraging these underlying frameworks, SDKs and modules.

  1. What is ADB in Android and how do you use it?

ADB or Android Debug Bridge allows executing commands on emulators/devices from PC. Useful for debugging apps, changing permissions, transferring files or adjusting layouts remotely.

  1. Why is XML used for frontend development in Android?

XML, or Extensible Markup Language, is employed in Android frontend development due to its versatile nature. Similar to HTML, XML serves as a markup language for describing data. One of its key advantages is readability, making it comprehensible for both humans and machines. Additionally, XML is scalable and straightforward to work with. In the context of Android, XML is favored for designing layouts because it is a lightweight language. This characteristic ensures that the layout remains efficient and doesn’t introduce unnecessary complexity.

  1. What are the components of the Android Application?

Android applications are built upon several essential components, which are loosely connected and defined in the application manifest file. This file outlines each component’s description and their interactions. The primary components of Android applications include:

  • Activities:
    • Represent individual screens or user interfaces.
    • Handle user interactions and provide a visual interface.
  • Services:
    • Run in the background to perform tasks without a user interface.
    • Can handle long-running operations independently of user interaction.
  • Content Providers:
    • Manage and share application data with other applications.
    • Enable data access and modification through a unified interface.
  • Broadcast Receiver:
    • Respond to system-wide broadcasts or announcements.
    • Triggered by events or messages, allowing applications to respond to changes in the system.
  • Intents:
    • Facilitate communication between components.
    • Used to request actions from other app components or to announce state changes.
  1. What is Gradle and How is it Used in Android Development?

Gradle serves as an open-source build system designed to automate various tasks in the software development lifecycle, including building, testing, and deployment. It employs scripts, often found in files named “build.gradle,” to execute and automate these tasks. An example of its utility includes copying files between directories before the actual build process.

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In Android development, Gradle plays a pivotal role in the process of transforming source code into a functional Android application. Here’s a breakdown of its usage:

  • Task Automation: 
    • Gradle allows developers to automate tasks such as copying files, running tests, and managing dependencies.
    • This automation ensures efficiency and consistency in the build process.
  • Build Script:
    • Developers utilize the “build.gradle” scripts to define how the project should be built.
    • These scripts specify configurations, dependencies, and other build-related details.
  • Generating APK (Android Package):
    • Gradle is essential for every Android project as it takes the source files, including .java and .xml files.
    • It applies various tools and processes, such as converting Java files into DEX files (Dalvik Executable), compressing resources, and assembling them into a single file known as an APK (Android Package).
  • Dependency Management:
    • Gradle simplifies the management of project dependencies, making it easier to include external libraries and modules.
  • Customisation:
    • Developers can customize the build process according to the project’s requirements by modifying the Gradle build scripts.

Android Interview Questions on Architecture

Architecture decisions ensure maintainable, scalable Android apps. Get ready for coding architect interview questions like:

  1. What is the Android architecture guideline?

The architecture guideline revolves around separate domain layers – data layer, domain layer, presentation layer and data binding between them. This ensures separation of concerns and testability.

  1. Explain Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) for Android.

MVVM stands for Model-View-ViewModel and is an architecture pattern that separates business logic handling from UI, improving testability and maintainability of Android apps. Here – View refers to the layouts and UI components; ViewModel holds the app logic – data processing, state management and exposes events/data streams; Model is the data layer handling local/remote data access. Data Binding helps sync View and ViewModel states both ways.

Android Interview Questions on Databases and ORMs

Storing data consistently is crucial for robust Android apps. Be ready with:

  1. What databases does Android support? Explain the options.

Android supports both SQLite and cloud datastores like Firebase or Realm for persistence. SQLite directly uses filesystem while cloud datastores are more complex offering sync capabilities.

  1. What are ORM frameworks for Android? How do they simplify app development?

ORM or Object Relational Mapping libraries like Room Persistence Library simplify database access by providing abstraction and handling lower-level details themselves.

Android Interview Questions on App Performance

Performance tuning ensures smooth 60fps app user experiences. Some performance interview questions include:

  1. What tools help profile CPU, memory and network usage in Android apps?

Android Studio Profiler, Systrace, Dumpsys and Debug GPU Overdraw are handy tools to profile CPU, memory and network usage and optimize performance.

  1. What are some Android app optimization best practices?

Best practices are optimizing images, using suitable layouts, keeping app footprint small, profiling regularly and avoiding memory leaks through static analysis.

Android Interview Questions on Unit Testing

Unit testing is crucial for Android code quality. Interviewers may ask Android testing interview questions like:

  1. What testing approaches help ensure robust Android apps?

A combination of unit testing isolated components, integration testing complex flows, UI testing key user journeys on emulators and profiling helps ensure robust Android apps.

  1. What are some popular unit testing frameworks for Android?
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Some popular Android unit testing frameworks are JUnit and Mockito for overall testing, Espresso for UI testing and Robolectric for running tests without emulator.

Android Interview Questions for Senior Developers

Get ready for in-depth architect level questions, like:

  1. What is ORM and how does Room Persistence Library compare with SQLite in Android?

ORM libraries like Room abstract underlying database complexities providing a clean API in native language. In Android, Room has compiles SQL validation and handles migrations automatically unlike SQLite.

  1. What is dependency inversion principle? How is it implemented in Android?

Dependency inversion suggests depending on abstractions rather than concrete classes improving flexibility through loose coupling. Android leverages interfaces, abstract classes and dependency injection.

  1. Explain REST API integration best practices for optimal Android performance

Best practices for REST API calls include offloading network calls through AsyncTask, Request queues, and background dispatchers like Kotlin coroutines. Parsing responses asynchronously also helps.

  1. What is RecyclerView in Android and How Does it Work?

RecyclerView in Android is a versatile ViewGroup introduced as an upgrade to both GridView and ListView in Android Studio. It serves as a powerful tool for constructing lists with customizable XML layouts, addressing the limitations of its predecessors while enhancing the efficiency of displaying large datasets.

Key Characteristics:

Customisable XML Layouts:

  • RecyclerView allows developers to create lists with XML layouts for each item, providing extensive customization options.

Efficiency Improvement:

  • It significantly improves the efficiency of displaying lists compared to traditional ListViews and GridViews.

View Recycling:

  • One of the main features of RecyclerView is the recycling of views that are out of the user’s visibility.

For instance, if a user scrolls down, items that are no longer visible (e.g., items 1, 2, and 3) are cleared from memory to reduce memory consumption.

Android Interview Questions on Architecture Patterns

  1. How does reactive programming help build robust Android apps?

Reactive programing with Observables publishing updates to Observers help robust flows. RxJava is the reactive library used in Android for handling async event streams robustly.

  1. Explain Model View Presenter (MVP) architecture for Android

MVP improves testability and modularity by separating business logic from Activity using interface contracts. Here View means Activity, Presenter holds logic and Model has data.

Company-specific Android Interview Questions

  • What is SurfaceView in Android? Potential use cases?

SurfaceView provides a dedicated drawing surface stored in GPU. Useful for games, camera previews etc needing consistent high frame rate display beyond what standard UI components offer.

Google Android Interview Questions

Here are some common Android interview questions at top tech giants:

  • What is Hilt and how it compares with Dagger?
  • Best practices for shortlived async tasks.
  • Strategies for minimizing APK size.

Facebook Android Interview Questions

  • Custom Views vs Custom Views Groups?
  • SyncAdapter use cases and architecture
  • Network optimizations for image loading

Android Interview Preparation Tips

Here are key ways to thoroughly prepare for your next Android interview:

  • Practice explaining architecture patterns like MVC, MVP and MVVM
  • Brush up Android programming interview questions on Activities, Fragments and Views
  • Revise object oriented design concepts and dependency injection techniques
  • Read Google’s Android guideline documents on app architecture
  • Build a sample app illustrating architecture best practices

By mastering the top Android concepts, your next interview will be a breeze! We hope you enjoyed this detailed overview of top 25 Android interview questions and answers. Want to apply for Android jobs from leading tech firms? Try the Hirist mobile app to find the best openings and apply faster right from your phone! Best of luck!

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