Top 25+ Agile Interview Questions and Answers

Agile is a flexible way to manage projects, focusing on teamwork, adaptability, and progress in stages. About 94% of companies worldwide prefer using Agile because it helps them complete projects quickly and effectively. Research suggests that around 64% of organizations have seen improvements in software delivery with Agile. Studies even show that Agile can result in 60%  more revenue growth compared to other methods. As a result, major companies like Accenture, Infosys, Wipro, TCS, and Cognizant are increasingly seeking candidates with Agile skills. If you’re aiming for a job in these top firms, understanding Agile interview questions is a must.

In this guide, we’ll cover 25+ commonly asked Agile interview questions to help you land your dream job.

Agile Basic Interview Questions

Here are some important Agile questions and answers for freshers: 

  1. Can you explain what Agile is?

Agile is a methodology that prioritizes iterative development and collaboration among cross-functional teams. It enables continuous delivery of working software by breaking down projects into smaller increments called sprints. 

This approach allows for frequent testing, feedback, and adaptation, resulting in faster delivery of high-quality products that better meet customer needs.

  1. Could you explain what a sprint is in Agile and its role in the development process?

“In Agile, a sprint is a focused period, typically lasting 1-4 weeks, where a team tackles specific tasks. During this time, we work on delivering a usable part of the product. This iterative approach allows us to gather feedback regularly, informing our next steps and helping us improve continuously.”

  1. What are the different agile methodologies?

Various agile methodologies are available for software and other development projects. Among them, Scrum stands out as a well-known framework for solving complex problems and delivering top-notch products through adaptability. 

Another favored approach is the Crystal method, suitable for short-term projects, prioritizing flexibility and innovation over extensive documentation. 

Other agile methodologies include Kanban, Feature-driven Development (FDD), Extreme Programming (XP), Dynamic Software Development Method (DSDM), DevOps, Disciplined Agile (DA), and Lean Software Development.

  1. What are some popular Agile tools?

Some widely used Agile tools include Jira, Trello, Asana,, and Microsoft Azure DevOps. These tools are essential for managing tasks, tracking progress, and fostering communication and collaboration among Agile teams throughout the project’s journey.

  1. What’s the difference between Agile and traditional Project Management (Waterfall)?

“Agile is all about flexibility and working in small increments, while Waterfall follows a more linear, step-by-step approach. In Agile, we prioritize feedback and collaboration, adapting to changes as we go. But in Waterfall, everything is planned upfront, with less room for changes once we start.”

Agile Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced

Here are some commonly asked Agile interview questions and answers for experienced

  1. What is Agile Manifesto?

The Agile Manifesto is a set of values and principles created in 2001 to guide Agile software development. It consists of four core values and twelve key principles aimed at improving development methodologies by promoting collaboration, iteration, and efficiency within development teams.

  1. How do you select an agile methodology?

“With over 50 agile methodologies available, selecting the most suitable one for a project can be challenging. My approach involves listing the project requirements and evaluating various agile methods that could align well. 

It’s important to note that none of these methods offers a perfect solution. Flexibility is key, and adjustments may be necessary to enhance agility and meet project needs effectively.”

  1. What is the increment? 

The total of all backlog items completed in a sprint is called the increment. Each increment includes the values from previous sprints. It’s a step toward reaching the project’s goal and should be ready for release in the next release cycle.

  1. Explain what Pair Programming is.

Pair programming involves two individuals collaboratively writing code together, working on the same computer. It’s a common practice in agile software development. 

One person writes the code while the other reviews each line. They frequently switch roles during the process, promoting teamwork and code quality.

  1. What is the product burndown chart? 

The product burndown chart is a visual representation of the progress made by an Agile team towards completing the project’s backlog items over time. 

It typically shows the amount of work remaining (often measured in story points or tasks) on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis. As the team completes tasks or user stories, the chart “burns down” until all planned work is done by the end of the project or sprint.

Agile Scenario Based Interview Questions and Answers

Here are some scenario based Agile process interview questions and answers: 

  1. A key team member unexpectedly resigns just before the start of a critical sprint. How do you adjust team roles and responsibilities to ensure sprint goals are met?

“In such a situation, I’d swiftly assess the impact of the team member’s departure on our sprint goals. Then, I’d redistribute responsibilities among the remaining team members, ensuring everyone’s workload is manageable. 

Effective communication and collaboration would be paramount to ensuring that the team remains focused and aligned to meet sprint objectives despite the setback.”

  1. Your team has decided to transition from Scrum to Kanban. How do you facilitate this transition and ensure a smooth adoption of Kanban practices?

“Transitioning from Scrum to Kanban requires careful planning and communication. I would start by educating the team about Kanban principles and practices, fostering buy-in and participation. 

Implementing a gradual transition plan, providing training and support, and regularly reviewing and adjusting our Kanban workflow would ensure a smooth adoption process, minimizing disruptions to our work.”

  1. During sprint review, stakeholders express dissatisfaction with the product increment’s usability. How do you prioritize and address usability improvements in subsequent sprints?

“Upon receiving stakeholder feedback on product usability during sprint review, I would prioritize usability improvements based on their significance and impact on user experience. 

Collaborating closely with the team, I’d incorporate these improvements into subsequent sprint planning sessions, ensuring that they align with sprint goals and deliver maximum value to our users.”

  1. During sprint planning, the team encounters difficulties breaking down user stories into smaller, actionable tasks. How do you facilitate effective decomposition to ensure clarity and manageable work items?

“When facing challenges in breaking down user stories during sprint planning, I’d encourage open discussion within the team to gain a deeper understanding of the user stories and their underlying requirements. 

Through collaborative brainstorming and leveraging techniques like story mapping or task breakdown, we would work together to decompose user stories into smaller, actionable tasks, ensuring clarity and manageability.”

  1. Your Agile team has been working remotely. How do you adapt Agile ceremonies and practices to maintain collaboration, transparency, and productivity in a remote environment?

“Transitioning to remote work requires adjustments to our Agile practices to maintain collaboration, transparency, and productivity. I would ensure that we continue to hold regular virtual ceremonies such as daily stand-ups, sprint planning, review, and retrospective meetings. 

Emphasizing clear communication channels, leveraging collaboration tools, and providing support and resources to team members would be crucial in maintaining our Agile principles and achieving our project objectives in a remote environment.”

Agile Software Testing Interview Questions

Here are some important Agile testing interview questions and answers: 

  1. What is Agile testing?

Agile software development emphasizes quick feedback for better project outcomes. In Agile Testing, integration between development and testing starts early and is ongoing throughout the project, rather than waiting until coding is finished. 

With each release, the product improves, leading to smoother management and happier customers. Agile testing prioritizes detecting and fixing errors promptly, reducing costs and ensuring timely delivery of high-quality products, all while keeping the customer’s needs at the forefront.

  1. Describe the Agile testing life cycle.

The agile testing life cycle comprises five key phases:

  • Impact Assessment: Agile testers gather essential information from project stakeholders to understand project requirements thoroughly.
  • Agile Testing Planning: Testers and stakeholders collaborate to schedule testing activities and deliverables effectively.
  • Release Readiness: Testers assess features to ensure they meet client expectations and are ready for deployment.
  • Daily Scrums: Regular meetings are held to review testing progress and set goals for the day.
  • Test Agility Review: A final meeting with stakeholders to evaluate project progress and determine if milestones have been achieved.
  1. Can you discuss how automated testing fits into Agile development, and what criteria do you consider when deciding which tests to automate?

“Automated testing is crucial in Agile development as it ensures faster feedback and supports continuous integration. It fits seamlessly by enabling quick validation of code changes. When deciding which tests to automate, factors like frequency of execution, repeatability, and the criticality of the functionality are considered. 

Tests that need to be run frequently, are repetitive, and cover essential functionalities are prioritized for automation. This ensures efficient use of resources and enables teams to focus on delivering high-quality software within Agile iterations.”

Scaled Agile Framework Interview Questions       

Here are some important scaled Agile interview questions and answers: 

  1. What is SAFe?

This is one of the most common SAFe agile interview questions. Here’s how you should answer it.

SAFe offers guidelines, principles, and best practices for bringing Agile methods to large businesses. It emphasizes delivering things often, getting quick feedback, and making sure teams work together well to create and finish products on time and without spending too much money. 

It encourages teams to share openly and communicate clearly. SAFe also wants everyone on the team to help with every part of making the product. Additionally, it tries to make sure that what the business wants matches up with what the IT teams are doing to make things run smoother, cost less, and work better every day.

  1. Can you explain the role of the SAFe Release Train Engineer (RTE) and their responsibilities in facilitating Agile release trains?

The SAFe Release Train Engineer (RTE) plays a key role in guiding Agile release trains. They facilitate communication, resolve impediments, and ensure smooth collaboration among teams. 

The RTE keeps the train moving by coordinating activities, removing roadblocks, and fostering a supportive environment. They act as a servant leader, helping teams stay on track and delivering value to customers consistently throughout the release cycle.

  1. How does SAFe incorporate Lean and Agile principles to enhance organizational agility and efficiency?

SAFe combines Lean and Agile principles to make organizations more flexible and effective. It emphasizes delivering value quickly, reducing waste, and empowering teams to make decisions. 

By promoting continuous improvement and collaboration, SAFe helps organizations adapt to change faster and streamline their processes. 

Teams work in small increments, get regular feedback, and focus on delivering high-quality products efficiently, ensuring they meet customer needs and stay competitive in the market.

Agile Project Management Interview Questions

Here are some important Agile PM interview questions and answers: 

  1. How do you define Agile project management, and what are its key principles?

Agile project management is an iterative approach to managing projects that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer feedback. 

Its key principles include prioritizing customer satisfaction, welcoming changing requirements, delivering working software frequently, collaborating closely with customers, and fostering self-organizing teams.

  1. Can you explain the role of the Scrum Master or Agile project manager in facilitating team collaboration and removing obstacles in Agile projects?

The Scrum Master or Agile project manager plays a crucial role in facilitating team collaboration and removing obstacles in Agile projects. 

They serve as a servant leader, guiding the team in following Agile principles and facilitating daily stand-up meetings, retrospectives, and sprint planning sessions. 

They shield the team from distractions, ensure that the team has the resources they need, and facilitate communication between team members and stakeholders.

  1. How do you measure the success of Agile projects, and what metrics do you use to track progress and performance?

The success of Agile projects is measured by various metrics that focus on delivering value to customers, adapting to change, and improving team performance. 

Common metrics include sprint velocity, which measures the amount of work completed in each sprint; sprint burndown charts, which track progress towards completing sprint goals; customer satisfaction ratings; and cycle time, which measures the time taken to complete a unit of work from start to finish. These metrics help track progress and performance and inform continuous improvement efforts.

Also Read - Top 15 Agile and Scrum Interview Questions and Answers

Agile Software Development Interview Questions

Here are some important Agile development interview questions and answers: 

  1. What are the key roles and responsibilities in an Agile software development team, and how do they collaborate?

In an Agile software development team, key roles include the Product Owner, who represents the customer and prioritizes features; the Scrum Master, who facilitates the Agile process and removes obstacles; and the Development Team, responsible for implementing features. 

They collaborate through daily stand-up meetings, sprint planning sessions, and retrospectives, ensuring alignment on goals and progress.

  1. How do you estimate project timelines and resources in Agile software development?

Project timelines and resources in Agile are estimated using techniques like story points or ideal days. Through a collaborative effort, the team breaks down tasks, estimates their complexity, and allocates resources accordingly. Regular review and adjustment during sprint planning help refine estimates based on team velocity and any changes in requirements.

  1. Can you provide examples of Agile tools and techniques you’ve used to enhance productivity and collaboration within teams?

“I’ve used tools like Jira and Trello to manage tasks and plan sprints. These tools make it easy to stay organized and keep track of our progress. 

Additionally, having daily check-in meetings and working with a partner on tasks has helped me communicate better and share knowledge effectively within the team. Overall, these practices and tools have really boosted our productivity and collaboration.”

Also Read - Top 15 Agile Methodology Interview Questions and Answers

Agile Model Interview Questions

Here are some important Agile related interview questions and answers: 

  1. Define lean software development.

Lean software development minimizes waste and focuses on delivering customer value efficiently. Kanban projects use visual boards to manage work, limit work in progress, and optimize flow.

  1. What do you know about Kanban projects?

Kanban is an Agile method that uses visual boards to show work progress. It limits how much work can be done at once and helps keep tasks flowing smoothly. The boards have columns for each stage of work, making it easy to see where tasks are and how much is getting done. 

Also Read - Top 25 JIRA Interview Questions and Answers

Agile Ceremonies Interview Questions

Here are some important Agile interview questions and answers

  1. What are Agile ceremonies, and why are they important in Agile project management?

Agile ceremonies are regular meetings in Agile project management aimed at enhancing communication, collaboration, and productivity within the team. They ensure everyone stays aligned, focused, and informed on project progress.

  1. Can you describe the purpose and format of a daily stand-up meeting in Agile?

A daily stand-up meeting in Agile is a short, daily check-in where team members briefly discuss their progress, plans, and any obstacles. It’s typically held standing up to keep it brief and focused, lasting around 15 minutes to ensure everyone stays on track.

Also Read - Top 25+ Project Management Interview Questions and Answers


These 25+ Agile interview questions and answers are crucial for boosting your confidence and standing out in interviews. Mastering these responses gives you a competitive advantage, ensuring you’re well-prepared to tackle any Agile-related queries. And if you’re seeking Agile job opportunities, look no further than Hirist. As India’s top job portal for various tech positions, it offers a robust platform to explore and apply for roles in Agile and other domains.

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