Home » Maternity Leave Application Letter for Office with Format & Samples (2024)

Maternity Leave Application Letter for Office with Format & Samples (2024)

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Are you expecting a baby and need to take maternity leave from work? You may be wondering how to write an application for pregnancy leave. In India, women are entitled to 26 weeks of paid maternity leave for the first two children – guaranteeing job security and support during this time. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the process of creating an effective maternity leave application letter. 

You’ll find a simple format and helpful samples to make sure your request is well-received by your employer. 

Let’s make this important step as easy as possible so you can focus on welcoming your new baby!

Table of Contents

What is Maternity Leave?

Maternity leave is a period of time when a woman can take off work to give birth and care for her new baby. This leave allows mothers to recover from childbirth and bond with their children without worrying about their jobs. In many countries, including India, maternity leave is paid – which means mothers receive their regular salary during this time. 

Maternity Leave (ML) in India: Act, Eligibility & Benefits

The maternity leave policy in India is governed by the Maternity Benefit Act of 1961. It guarantees that working women receive support during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Maternity Benefit Act, 1961

The Maternity Benefit Act provides female employees with the right to maternity leave and benefits. It was amended in 2017 to extend the leave duration and improve benefits for working mothers.

Maternity leave benefits are available to women in both public and private sectors under the Maternity Benefit Act of 1961. This law applies to businesses with 10 or more employees.

However, the Act does not cover self-employed women or those working in companies with fewer than 10 employees.

Maternity Leave Eligibility

Maternity leave is available to:

  • Pregnant women
  • Women adopting a child
  • Surrogate mothers
  • Women experiencing a miscarriage

To qualify for maternity leave, a woman must:

  • Be employed with the same organization for at least 80 days in the 12 months preceding her expected delivery date.
  • Inform her employer about her pregnancy and maternity leave plans.

Maternity Leave Benefits

  • Duration: Women are entitled to 26 weeks of paid maternity leave for their first two children and 12 weeks for subsequent children.
  • Job security: Employees cannot be dismissed or discriminated against for taking maternity leave.
  • Salary: Women receive their full salary during maternity leave, which includes basic pay and allowances.
  • Adoption and surrogacy: The policy covers women who adopt a child below three months or are surrogate mothers – granting them the same leave benefits.
  • Additional support: Mothers have options for childcare and can return to their previous jobs. Employers must provide extra leave if needed.


Surrogate mothers can start their 26-week maternity leave from the day the newborn is given to the adoptive parents.

In India, women who experience a miscarriage are entitled to maternity leave for up to six weeks to recover physically and emotionally.

What is a Maternity Leave Application?

A maternity leave application is a formal request made by a woman to her employer to take time off from work for pregnancy and childbirth. This application for pregnancy leave usually includes important details such as – 

  • The expected delivery date
  • The duration of leave needed
  • The start date

It is important for the mat leave letter to be clear and polite, as it helps the employer plan for the employee’s absence. Submitting this application allows women to take the necessary time to recover and care for their newborns without worrying about their jobs. 

Why Should You Write a Maternity Leave Application?

Writing a maternity leave letter is important because it helps you formally inform your employer about your upcoming leave and guarantees proper communication and planning.

  • Provides clarity: A well-written mat leave application clearly communicates your leave plans, including the start date and the duration – allowing your employer to prepare accordingly.
  • Official record: Submitting a formal application creates an official record of your leave request. This is useful for both you and your employer, ensuring there are no misunderstandings.
  • Job security: A maternity leave application helps you assert your right to maternity leave as per company policy or legal regulations. This protects you from job-related issues during your absence.
  • Transition planning: By informing your employer early – they can make arrangements for a temporary replacement or manage your workload in your absence.
  • Professional courtesy: Writing a leave application for maternity leave is a sign of professionalism. It shows respect for your organization and co-workers by giving them enough time to plan.
  • Support access: Writing an application for pregnancy leave also makes it easier to request any additional support or accommodations you may need.
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When Should You Submit the Maternity Leave Application?

It’s best to submit your pregnancy leave letter at least 8 weeks before your expected delivery date to give your employer enough time to plan. Applying for maternity leave letter early is important because: 

  • Early notice: Helps your employer manage your workload.
  • Leave approval: Guarantees your leave is approved without delays.
  • Plan transition: Allows time to arrange temporary coverage.

How to Apply for Maternity Leave?

Applying for maternity leave is a simple process that requires clear communication with your employer. Follow these steps to make sure the process is smooth: 

  1. Inform your employer: Start by informing your employer about your pregnancy and your plan to take maternity leave. It’s best to do this as early as possible.
  2. Check company policy: Review your company’s maternity leave policy to understand how much leave you are entitled to and any specific requirements for applying.
  3. Write a formal application: Draft a mat leave application letter – including details like your expected delivery date, the duration of your leave, and your intended start and return dates.
  4. Attach medical proof: If required, attach a doctor’s certificate or medical proof of your pregnancy along with the application.
  5. Submit the application: Send your application to your HR department or direct manager – following the company’s submission process (e.g., email, online portal).
  6. Confirm leave approval: After submitting, confirm with your employer that your leave has been approved and discuss any work transition plans.

By following these steps, you can make sure that your maternity leave is approved smoothly – allowing you to focus on your upcoming maternity period.

How to Write a Maternity Leave Application?

  1. Use a polite tone

Begin your letter in a polite and respectful way. Address your employer by their name or job title to show professionalism and respect.


“Dear [Manager’s Name],”

  1. State the purpose

Clearly explain why you are writing the letter. Mention that you are requesting maternity leave and include your expected delivery date. This helps your employer understand the timing of your request.


“I am writing to formally request maternity leave as I am expecting my baby on [expected delivery date].”

  1. Mention leave duration

In this step, mention how long you will be on maternity leave. Include the exact dates when you will start and end your leave. This gives your employer a clear idea of how much time you need.


“I would like to take maternity leave starting from [start date] and return to work on [return date], which would be a total of [number] weeks.”

  1. Request approval

Politely ask your employer to approve your leave request. You can also offer to help with the transition or any necessary handovers before you go on leave.


“I kindly request you to approve my maternity leave and will ensure all necessary work transitions are managed before my leave begins.”

  1. Include contact information

Make sure to give your contact details in case your employer needs to reach you while you’re away. This could be your email address or phone number.


“During my leave, I will be reachable at [email address/phone number] in case of any urgent matters.”

  1. Attach medical documents

If required, attach a doctor’s note or medical certificate to confirm your pregnancy and expected delivery date. This supports your application and adds an official record.


“I have attached a medical certificate from my doctor confirming my expected delivery date and fitness for leave.”

  1. Sign off politely

End your letter with a polite closing, thanking your employer for their understanding and support. This keeps the tone friendly and professional.


“Thank you for your understanding and support. I look forward to your approval of my leave request. Sincerely, [Your Name]”

Maternity Leave Letter Format

If your employer is asking for maternity leave letter – make sure you follow the right format. Here’s a simple format to write the application:

Subject: [Brief and Clear Subject Line]


Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Opening paragraph:

Begin by stating the purpose of the letter, clearly mentioning that you are applying for maternity leave. Include your expected delivery date.

Main body:

Specify the dates for the leave you are requesting. Mention the duration of leave and your expected return date. Offer to assist with a smooth transition of responsibilities before your leave starts.

Additional information:

Mention any attachments, such as a medical certificate, if required. Include your contact details for any urgent communication during your leave.

Closing paragraph:

Express gratitude for their understanding and support. Politely request approval of the leave.


[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]

Maternity Leave Request Template

Here’s a basic template of maternity leave letter. Feel free to fill in the brackets with the necessary details and use them as per your requirements. 

Subject: Maternity Leave Application

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to formally request maternity leave as I am expecting my baby on [expected due date]. According to the company’s maternity leave policy, I would like to take [number of weeks/days] of leave starting from [start date] to [end date].

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During my absence, [Colleague’s Name] has kindly agreed to cover my responsibilities. I will prepare all necessary documents and guide [Colleague’s Name] on my current projects to guarantee a smooth transition.

I appreciate your understanding and support during this important time in my life. Please let me know if you require any further information or documentation.

Thank you for considering my request.


[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]

Examples of Maternity Leave Letters

Need a sample for maternity leave letter? Here are a few examples to help you write your own letter:

Maternity Leave Application for 6 Months

Subject: Application for Maternity Leave

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request maternity leave for six months, starting from [start date] to [end date]. As my due date approaches, I want to make sure I have enough time to recover and bond with my newborn.

I have discussed my ongoing projects with my team and will hand over my responsibilities to [Colleague’s Name] to guarantee a smooth transition during my absence. I believe this will help maintain our project timelines.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this special time in my life. Please let me know if you need any additional information.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Signature]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Contact Number]

Application for Maternity Leave before Delivery

Subject: Request for Maternity Leave

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope you are doing great. I am excited to share that I am expecting a baby and would like to request maternity leave starting from [start date] for [duration]. This time will allow me to prepare for my delivery and take care of my health.

I have made arrangements for my responsibilities to be managed by [Colleague’s Name] during my leave, and I will make sure all necessary details are shared with them beforehand.

I appreciate your support and understanding during this important period in my life. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

Best wishes,

[Your Name]

[Your Signature]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Contact Number]

Leave Application for Pregnancy Bed Rest

Subject: Maternity Leave Application for Bed Rest

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope all is well with you. I am writing to formally request maternity leave due to my doctor recommending bed rest until my delivery date. I would like to start my leave from [start date] and plan to return by [end date].

I have coordinated with my team to make sure all my projects are covered in my absence. [Colleague’s Name] has kindly agreed to take over my tasks.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this time. I look forward to your positive response.


[Your Name]

[Your Signature]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Contact Number]

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Maternity Leave Application for Government Employees

Subject: Application for Maternity Leave

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to formally request maternity leave, starting from [start date] until [end date], as I am expecting to deliver my baby around [expected delivery date]. This time is crucial for both my recovery and to bond with my newborn.

I have consulted my doctor, who recommends taking this time off for my health and the well-being of my child. I have taken care to wrap up my current projects and brief my team on ongoing tasks to ensure a smooth workflow during my absence.

If you need any further information or documentation, please feel free to reach out. I appreciate your understanding and support during this important time in my life.

Thank you for considering my request.


[Your Name]

[Your Signature]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Contact Number]

Maternity Leave Extension Letter for Breastfeeding

If you want to write an extending maternity leave letter, use this example: 

Subject: Request for Extension of Maternity Leave

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I trust you are doing well. I am writing to request an extension of my maternity leave, currently scheduled to end on [current end date]. Due to my circumstances, I believe it is necessary to extend my leave until [new end date] to continue breastfeeding and care for my newborn.

I appreciate the support I’ve received so far from you and the team. During my absence, I have ensured that my responsibilities are managed, and I have shared detailed instructions with [Colleague’s Name] to cover my tasks. I am committed to a smooth transition back to work upon my return.

Thank you for your understanding and support. I look forward to your favourable response.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Signature]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Contact Number]

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Maternity Leave Application after Delivery

Subject: Application for Maternity Leave Post-Delivery

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope you are having a great day. I am writing to formally apply for maternity leave after the birth of my child on [delivery date]. I would like to request leave from [start date] to [end date] to guarantee a proper recovery and to spend time with my baby during these early days.

I have prepared a plan for my responsibilities while I am away and have discussed the transition with [Colleague’s Name], who has kindly agreed to oversee my projects. I believe this will help maintain our team’s productivity during my absence.

I would be grateful for your approval of this leave request. If you need any medical documentation or further details, please let me know.

Thank you for your support during this significant time in my life.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Signature]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Contact Number]

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Emergency Maternity Leave Letter

Subject: Emergency Maternity Leave Request

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to request emergency maternity leave due to unexpected complications with my pregnancy. My doctor has advised me to take immediate rest for my health and the well-being of my baby.

I would like to request leave starting from [insert start date] and hope to return by [insert return date]. I will keep you updated about my situation and provide any necessary documentation as needed.

Thank you for your understanding during this challenging time.


[Your Name]

[Your Signature]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Contact Number]

Request Letter for Early Maternity Leave Due to Pregnancy Complications

Subject: Request for Early Maternity Leave

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to formally request early maternity leave due to complications I have been experiencing in my pregnancy. My doctor has advised me to rest to guarantee the best outcome for my health and the baby’s.

I would appreciate your support by allowing me to start my maternity leave on [insert start date]. I will keep you informed about my progress and expected return date.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this time.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Signature]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Contact Number]

Work from Home Request Mail after Maternity Leave

Subject: Work from Home Request after Maternity Leave

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope you are doing well. I am writing to discuss my work arrangement as I return from maternity leave. Given my new responsibilities as a parent, I would like to request the option to work from home for the next few weeks.

This flexibility would greatly assist me in balancing my personal and professional commitments. I am confident that I can maintain my productivity and meet all deadlines during this period.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your understanding.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Signature]

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Rejoining Application after Maternity Leave

Sometimes employers also request you to write a joining application after maternity leave. This is how you should write one:

Subject: Rejoining Application after Maternity Leave

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to formally notify you of my return to work following my maternity leave. I am excited to rejoin the team and continue contributing to our projects.

My leave ended on [insert date], and I will be back in the office on [insert date]. Please let me know if there are any updates or meetings I should be aware of before my return.

Thank you for your support during my time away.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Signature]

Feel free to add your details and customize this rejoining letter after maternity leave sample.

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Tips to Get Your Maternity Leave Accepted

Here are some tips to help you write a maternity leave application letter for office:

  • Know your rights: Familiarize yourself with your company’s maternity leave policy. Understanding your rights will help you prepare your application correctly.
  • Plan ahead: Submit your letter to HR for maternity leave well in advance. This shows respect for your employer’s time and helps them manage your workload.
  • Be clear and honest: Clearly state your leave dates and the reason for your leave. Honesty helps build trust with your employer.
  • Communicate with your team: Inform your manager and colleagues about your plans. This helps guarantee that everyone is on the same page regarding work coverage.
  • Prepare for handover: Outline how your tasks will be managed in your absence. Providing this information shows responsibility and makes it easier for your manager to approve your leave.
  • Stay professional: Keep a polite and professional tone in all communications related to your leave request.

Things to Avoid When Writing a Maternity Leave Application

Here are some things to avoid when applying for maternity leave

  • Being vague: Don’t leave out important details. Clearly state your expected leave dates and any necessary information to avoid confusion.
  • Neglecting company policy: Don’t ignore your company’s maternity leave policy. Make sure to follow their guidelines regarding application procedures and notice periods.
  • Failing to proofread: Don’t submit your application without reviewing it. Grammatical errors or typos can make your letter look unprofessional.
  • Being emotional: While it’s a significant time, avoid overly emotional language. Stick to the facts to keep the focus on your request.
  • Not offering coverage plans: Don’t forget to mention how your work will be managed while you are on leave. This shows responsibility and consideration for your team.
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Wrapping Up

And that’s how you write a maternity leave application letter!

By following these simple steps, you can make your request clear and professional. Remember to follow your company’s rules and timelines. As you prepare for this important time, consider looking for new job opportunities. Hirist is an online IT job portal in India where you can easily find the best jobs in the tech sector.


Can your employer deny your maternity leave application?

Yes, your employer can deny your application if it doesn’t follow company policy or if you don’t meet eligibility criteria.

How to apply for maternity benefit?

To apply for maternity benefit, submit a leave application along with any required documents to your HR department before your leave starts.

Is maternity leave 6 or 9 months?

In India, maternity leave is 6 months (26 weeks) for the first two children, not 9 months.

Do IT companies in India offer maternity leave?

Yes, many IT companies in India offer maternity leave, usually ranging from 12 to 26 weeks, depending on company policy.

How many days leave is given in maternity?

Maternity leave typically offers 26 weeks (or about 180 days) for the first two children in India.

What is the new maternity leave policy?

The new maternity leave policy provides 26 weeks of paid leave for women and includes provisions for adoption and surrogacy.

How much is maternity pay?

Maternity pay usually consists of the full salary, including basic pay and allowances, during the maternity leave period.

When should I start my maternity leave?

You should start your maternity leave one to two weeks before your due date, based on your health and company policy.

How long should be the email for maternity leave request?

The email for a maternity leave request should be concise, typically around 100-200 words, clearly stating your leave dates and reasons.

Can I apply for paid maternity leave?

Yes, you can apply for paid maternity leave if you meet your company’s eligibility criteria and have been employed for the required duration.

How do I write a delivery leave application?

To write a delivery leave application, include your expected delivery date, the duration of your leave, and any arrangements for work coverage.

How do I write a parental leave letter to my employer?

In a parental leave letter to employer, state your planned leave dates, express gratitude, and mention how you will manage your responsibilities during your absence.

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