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Top 25 jQuery Interview Questions and Answers (2024)

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jQuery is a popular JavaScript library that has been widely adopted in web development. According to Stack Overflow’s 2023 survey, 22.87% of developers still use jQuery, making it the third most popular web framework. If you’re looking to grow your career in this field, it’s important to be well-prepared for a jQuery interview. 

To help you with that, we’ve compiled a list of 25 jQuery interview questions along with expert answers. 

These questions cover a wide range of topics, from the basics to advanced concepts, and are designed to help you showcase your proficiency in this essential web technology. 

These questions will equip you with the knowledge and confidence you need to ace your interview.

What is jQuery?

jQuery, a JavaScript library, simplifies the creation of dynamic web pages, enhancing efficiency and interactivity in web applications. By furnishing a set of functions for data manipulation, it accelerates the development process. Its lightweight nature allows seamless integration into any website. 

What is jQuery Used For?

jQuery primarily facilitates DOM (Document Object Model) manipulation, enabling alterations to a webpage’s structure, style, and content. Its functionalities encompass:

  • Selecting and manipulating HTML elements
  • Handling events like mouseovers, clicks, and key presses
  • Crafting animations and effects (e.g., fading, sliding, hiding elements)
  • Creating plugins for extending jQuery’s capabilities
  • Traversing and modifying the DOM tree
  • Executing AJAX requests to fetch data from servers without page reload

Renowned for its user-friendly nature, jQuery stands as one of the most favoured JavaScript libraries, extensively employed in web application and website development.

jQuery Interview Questions for Freshers

Here are some interview questions for JavaScript and jQuery:

  1. What is the difference between jQuery and JavaScript?

JavaScript is a programming language used for web development, while jQuery is a library built using JavaScript. jQuery simplifies JavaScript coding by providing pre-built functions and shortcuts for common tasks like DOM manipulation, event handling, and AJAX requests. 

JavaScript, on the other hand, is the core language used for creating dynamic and interactive web content, offering more flexibility but requiring more code to achieve certain tasks that jQuery streamlines. 

  1. What are the advantages of jQuery?

jQuery offers several advantages in web development. Firstly, it simplifies complex JavaScript functionalities with concise syntax and pre-built methods, reducing code length and enhancing readability. 

It ensures cross-browser compatibility, smoothing out inconsistencies between browsers. With its robust AJAX support, it facilitates seamless data retrieval without page reloads, enhancing user experience. 

jQuery enables rapid development through its extensive library of plugins and versatile animation effects, accelerating the creation of dynamic and interactive web content. 

Additionally, its lightweight nature allows for easy integration and a quick learning curve, making it a preferred choice for developers seeking efficiency and speed in web development.

  1. Can a jQuery library be used for server scripting?

No, jQuery is primarily used for client-side scripting within web browsers. It focuses on DOM manipulation, event handling, and AJAX interactions on the client side. For server-side scripting, other languages and frameworks like Node.js, PHP, Python, or Ruby are commonly employed.

  1. What is jQuery Mobile?

jQuery Mobile is a touch-optimized web framework designed for creating responsive and mobile-friendly web applications. It allows developers to build cross-platform web apps that adapt to various devices and screen sizes. 

Based on the jQuery core, jQuery Mobile simplifies the creation of mobile interfaces by providing a unified set of UI components, themes, and responsive design elements tailored specifically for mobile development.

  1. How is jQuery different from other JavaScript frameworks?

jQuery differs from other JavaScript frameworks by focusing specifically on DOM manipulation and simplifying JavaScript tasks. Unlike comprehensive frameworks like Angular or React, jQuery is a lightweight library rather than a full-fledged framework. 

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It excels in its concise syntax, ease of use, and compatibility across various browsers, offering a streamlined approach for DOM manipulation and simplifying common web development tasks without the complexities associated with larger frameworks.

  1. Explain the basic requirement to begin with jQuery.

To start using jQuery, you’ll need two key components: a reference to the jQuery library in your HTML document and a basic understanding of JavaScript. 

Include the jQuery library either by downloading it locally or linking to a content delivery network (CDN) in your HTML file. Then, use JavaScript syntax to write jQuery code, manipulating the DOM and creating dynamic web content.

  1. Is jQuery a JavaScript or JSON library file?

jQuery is a JavaScript library, not a JSON library file. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a data format primarily used for transmitting data between a server and web application, whereas jQuery is focused on enhancing JavaScript functionality within web development.

  1. What is the $() function in the jQuery library? 

The $() function in jQuery is a versatile selector used to target and manipulate elements in the Document Object Model (DOM). It acts as an alias for jQuery(), enabling developers to select HTML elements efficiently, apply actions, and access jQuery’s wide range of methods for DOM manipulation and traversal.

  1. State different jQuery methods that are used to provide effects.

jQuery offers various methods to apply effects:

  • fadeIn()/fadeOut(): For smooth opacity transitions.
  • slideUp()/slideDown(): To animate height changes, collapsing or expanding elements.
  • animate(): Allows custom animations by altering CSS properties.
  • toggle(): Toggles between hide/show states.
  • fadeTo(): Adjusts opacity to a specified level. 
  1. Explain about the jQuery connect.

jQuery Connect serves as a plugin, linking or associating one function with another. This facilitates the execution of one function from another or when the plugin is triggered, enabling seamless execution and interaction between functions or plugins within a jQuery environment.

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Interview Questions on jQuery for Experienced

Here are some top jQuery interview questions for experienced candidates:

  1. Explain the ways through which we can include jQuery on a page.

jQuery can be included on a page using various methods:

  • Embedding a local copy within the script tag.
  • Utilizing a remote copy via the Ajax API.
  • Referencing a remote copy from jQuery.com.
  • Incorporating a local copy through script manager control.
  • Embedding scripts using the client script object.
  1. Why are Ajax methods preferred in jQuery?

Ajax methods in jQuery are preferred due to their ability to facilitate asynchronous communication with servers, enabling dynamic content updates without reloading the entire webpage. 

They enhance the user experience by fetching data in the background, reducing loading times, and offering seamless interactions. 

jQuery’s Ajax functions, like $.ajax() or $.get(), provide a simplified interface, supporting various HTTP methods and handling cross-browser compatibility and error management efficiently. 

This streamlined approach allows developers to create responsive, interactive web applications that retrieve and display data dynamically, significantly enhancing the overall user engagement and usability of the site.

  1. What is jquery.min.js?

jquery.min.js is the minimized version of the jQuery library. It contains compressed and optimized code, reducing file size for faster downloads and improved website performance. 

The “min” signifies minification, a process that removes unnecessary characters and spaces and renames variables to shorten code without altering its functionality. 

This file is commonly used in production environments to efficiently incorporate jQuery’s functionalities while minimizing bandwidth usage and enhancing webpage loading speeds.

  1. Explain the types of selectors in jQuery.

jQuery offers three primary types of selectors:

  • CSS Selector: Targets elements using CSS-style syntax (e.g., $(‘p’) selects all <p> elements).
  • XPath Selector: Allows element selection using XPath expressions, providing a different approach to identifying elements within the DOM.
  • Custom Selector: Enables developers to create personalized selection methods based on specific criteria, extending jQuery’s inherent selection capabilities for tailored and specific element targeting.
  1. How is parent() method in jQuery different from parents() method?
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The parent() method in jQuery selects the immediate parent of the matched element. It fetches only one level up in the DOM tree.

Conversely, the parents() method retrieves all ancestors of the selected element, traversing up through multiple levels of the DOM hierarchy. It includes all matching parent elements until it reaches the document root or the specified ancestor.

  1. What is a content distribution network?

A Content Distribution Network (CDN) is a geographically distributed network of servers. It delivers web content like images, scripts, stylesheets, and other resources, more efficiently to users. By storing cached copies of content across multiple servers in various locations worldwide, CDNs reduce latency and improve website performance. 

When a user requests content, the CDN serves it from the nearest server, minimizing load times. This distribution infrastructure enhances scalability, reliability, and security while also mitigating traffic congestion on origin servers, making it an integral part of modern web architecture for faster and more reliable content delivery.

  1. What is a prop() in jQuery? How is it different from Attr()?

The prop() method in jQuery is used to get or set properties of HTML elements, such as checked, disabled, or selected states. It primarily deals with Boolean properties and dynamic changes, like setting the checked state of a checkbox.

In contrast, attr() handles HTML attributes, allowing access to element attributes present in the HTML markup. While attr() manages attributes like “src” or “href,” prop() manages properties like “checked” or “disabled,” focusing on the element’s current state or value.

  1. Differentiate onload() and document.ready().

onload() is a traditional JavaScript event triggered when a webpage and its resources including images and scripts, finish loading. It delays execution until all elements are fully rendered. This may cause delays in responsiveness for large pages.

On the other hand, document.ready() in jQuery triggers when the DOM is fully loaded, allowing immediate execution of scripts and enhancing interactivity without waiting for external resources. It ensures quicker script execution while the page continues loading, optimizing user experience.

  1. What exactly is a jQuery Data Table plugin? 

A jQuery data table plugin streamlines table creation by enabling custom layouts without extensive coding. It eliminates the need to code tables from scratch, facilitating the creation of diverse layouts and custom column structures effortlessly. 

This plugin enhances website functionality, offering a convenient solution to integrate tables seamlessly, especially when the default layout lacks specific table configurations, enriching websites with added versatility and ease.

  1. Distinguish between jquery.min.js and jquery.js.

The difference between jquery.min.js and jquery.js lies in their file sizes and readability. jquery.min.js is a minimized version, offering a smaller file size by eliminating unnecessary characters and reducing variable names, enhancing download speed and website performance. It’s suitable for production environments due to its compactness. 

Conversely, jquery.js is the uncompressed, human-readable version, containing comments and descriptive variable names, aiding code comprehension during development. 

While both files contain the same functionalities, jquery.min.js prioritizes efficiency for production, whereas jquery.js aids developers with its readability and is useful in development environments for debugging purposes. 

jQuery Interview Questions on Coding

Here are some top jQuery interview questions related to coding:

  1. Write a jQuery code to create and delete cookies from the browser.

Here’s an example of jQuery code to create and delete cookies:

Creating a Cookie:

// Function to set a cookie

function setCookie(name, value, days) {

    var expires = “”;

    if (days) {

        var date = new Date();

        date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));

        expires = “; expires=” + date.toUTCString();


    document.cookie = name + “=” + value + expires + “; path=/”;


// Usage: Set a cookie with name “exampleCookie” and value “exampleValue” for 7 days

setCookie(‘exampleCookie’, ‘exampleValue’, 7);

Deleting a Cookie:

// Function to delete a cookie

function deleteCookie(name) {

    document.cookie = name + ‘=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;’;

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// Usage: Delete the cookie named “exampleCookie”


This code demonstrates how to create a cookie with a specific name, value, and expiration duration. Additionally, it illustrates how to delete a cookie by setting its expiration date to a past time, effectively removing it from the browser.

  1. How to perform jQuery AJAX requests?

jQuery simplifies AJAX requests using its $.ajax() method. Here’s an example demonstrating how to perform an AJAX GET request to retrieve data from a server:

// AJAX GET request


    url: ‘https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts’, // URL to fetch data from

    method: ‘GET’, // HTTP method

    dataType: ‘json’, // Data type expected from the server (JSON in this case)

    success: function(response) {

        // Success callback function

        console.log(‘Data received:’, response);

        // Process the received data here


    error: function(xhr, status, error) {

        // Error callback function

        console.error(‘Error:’, error);

        // Handle error conditions here



In this example:

  • url: Specifies the URL endpoint to fetch data from.
  • method: Defines the HTTP method (GET in this case).
  • dataType: Specifies the expected data type from the server (JSON in this example).
  • success: Success callback function triggered upon a successful response from the server, handling the received data.
  • error: Error callback function executed in case of any issues during the AJAX request, allowing for error handling.
  1. Write a jQquery code snippet to sort a string array?

In jQuery, you can use the Array.sort() method to sort a string array alphabetically. Here’s an example:

// Sample string array

var stringArray = [“Apple”, “Orange”, “Banana”, “Grapes”, “Cherry”];

// Sorting the string array alphabetically


// Output the sorted array


This code snippet creates a sample string array and then sorts it alphabetically using the sort() method. The sorted array is logged to the console, displaying the strings in ascending alphabetical order.

  1. How do you fade in an element using jQuery?

To fade in an element with jQuery, you can use the fadeIn() method. For instance:


This method gradually increases the opacity of the selected element, making it visible with a smooth transition.

  1. Explain how to dynamically change the CSS property of an element using jQuery.

To dynamically alter the CSS property of an element with jQuery, use the css() method. For example:

$(‘#elementID’).css(‘property’, ‘value’);

Replace ‘property’ with the CSS property you wish to modify (e.g., ‘color’, ‘font-size’) and ‘value’ with the desired value (e.g., ‘red’, ’20px’). This method instantly applies the new CSS property to the selected element.

Tips to Answer JavaScript jQuery Interview Questions

Here are some tips to answer interview questions on JavaScript and jQuery:

·     Understand Basics

Make sure you’re comfortable with fundamental concepts in JavaScript and jQuery, like variables, data types, loops, conditionals, and jQuery selectors.

·     Keep it Simple

When explaining concepts or writing code, prioritize clarity. Keep your answers concise and easy to understand.

·     Talk Through Your Thought Process

When faced with a problem, talk through your approach before diving into the solution. Interviewers often value the thinking process as much as the final answer.

·     Stay Calm and Confident

Don’t panic if you forget. Take a moment, breathe, and approach the problem logically. Confidence in your understanding is key.

Remember, jQuery interview questions aren’t just about getting the correct answer; they’re also about showcasing your problem-solving skills and how you approach challenges.


These 25 jQuery interview questions cover key concepts vital for excelling in interviews. Remember, practice and hands-on coding can help you easily answer all the jQuery questions. By learning these questions in advance, you can easily ace your job interview. Looking for a jQuery role or exploring tech opportunities? Check out Hirist for various tech job openings, including positions requiring jQuery expertise. It’s a hub for tech enthusiasts to discover exciting career prospects. Take the leap and explore the world of tech jobs with Hirist!

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